Hankyu Hanshin Properties Corp. (hereinafter “the Company”) and the Hankyu Hanshin Group aim to create satisfaction among customers and contribute to society by delivering “Safety and Comfort” and “Dreams and Excitement.” Under this philosophy, the Company is working daily to provide stable, high-quality services to customers.
At the same time, for the realization of that philosophy, the Company recognizes that respect for human rights, mental and physical health, and a safe and secure work environment for the employees involved in providing those services are essential.
Accordingly, the Company and its Group companies shall take strict measures against any conduct that constitutes customer harassment, including in cooperation with the appropriate organizations and specialists, such as the police and lawyers, if necessary.
1. Definition of Customer Harassment
The Company defines customer harassment as any complaint or action from a customer (including business partners) for which the means and manner of fulfilling the underlying request would be socially unjustifiable according to the reasonableness of the request, and for which the means or manner would impair the working environment of employees.
2. Applicable Conduct
Note that the above examples are not exhaustive.
3. Response to Customer Harassment
To respect the human rights of all employees, the Company and its Group companies will take a firm stand against customer harassment and suspend or discontinue transactions per the “Corporate Manual on Measures against Customer Harassment” prepared by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
In the event of malicious customer harassment, the Company will take strict measures, including legal action, in cooperation with police, lawyers, and other appropriate organizations and specialists.
Moreover, in terms of in-house responses, the Company will educate employees on how to respond to customer harassment, develop a system for making appropriate judgments and responses in an organized manner, and provide care for employees who have been victims of such harassment.